Saturday, February 18, 2006

Feb. 16th Thursday

Pictures above are places we go by every morning on the way to work. Sorry about quality of picture --taken in a moving car. I thought the cemetery was interesting because of the headstones and the colors. The U.S. cemeteries are always so gray because of the headstones. The India cemeteries look like somewhere you might play miniature golf. You will find temples like this one around every corner in the city.

Bad day at work.. I'm so exhausted from working all day and all night answering e-mails from U.S. I'm also unable to sleep more than 2 hours at a time. After work, I went home had dinner and went straight to bed.

***I think it was official today----We sold the house I signed the contract and faxed back to U.S. (fax cost 2 dollars for 7 min. fax not bad).*****

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