Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Feb 14th Tuesday

The only thing that was worth blogging about today is Dinesh's returned to the Guest House from visiting his family. Dinesh has worked at Edgenet about 4 years and attended Vanderbilt. So, he is helping me with my team members name. He is also explaining in more detail things I see and hear.

Here is my advice column for travelers to overseas:
The picture above is the water heater for the bathroom. It is about the size of a 10 gallon bucket. The beauty of this baby is it is on a light switch that is kept off until about 15 minutes prior to your shower. I had a great cold shower after being on a plane for 2 days.
I suggest finding this little baby first when arriving to your destination. Also don't turn the hot on full blast because you will be out of hot water before you can enter the other side of the shower curtain. Second cold shower.....

1 comment:

katie said...

hey don't feel bad: it's part of your initiation...my first shower was a cold one, so was chad's...actually, you shouldn't have spilled the beans about the switch.